Unlock the full commercial potential of hillside developments
with an Access Automation commercial inclined elevator. Whether you are developing a terraced apartment block or a hillside resort - contact the cable car professionals to learn how we can add value to your project.
Technology You Can Trust
Access Automation Limited is the industry leader in the southern hemisphere for design and manufacture of innovative hillside access systems. We have a proven track record with many commercial installations throughout the Asia Pacific region.
Our commercial installations are engineered from the ground up to provide durable operation day after day, even for continuous use installations in the most severe marine or exposed sites. Two rails spaced apart and combined with an extra heavy duty carriage system provides the robust platform on which our commercial inclined elevators are based. Payloads of up to 20 passengers and speeds of 2.5 m/s are possible with our standard commercial equipment but larger custom installation can also be supplied.
An important innovation with Access Automation products is that the rail structure can be curved and change gradients. This technology provides the architect / designer with maximum flexibility in the layout of their projects. Rail lengths of up to 500 metres are possible and there is no restriction on the maximum gradient. However, as each project is custom designed, we strongly recommend that architects contact us early in the project so we can assist in getting the optimum layout for the inclined lift.

Auto Levelling Technology – Minimise Resource Management Act Issues
Access Automation has developed a system to keep the car level as it travels over a track that changes gradient along its length. This technology allows the rail to be installed just above the natural ground line and can often negate the need for extensive site excavations that alternative access systems demand. Low planting and natural ground cover can be maintained below the rail structure.
The overall result is much lower environmental impact than forming a steep road, therefore potential problems with Resource Management or other planning issues can be minimized.The auto leveling technology can cope with total gradient changes of up to 45 degrees and a maximum gradient at any part of the track of 90 degrees.
Turning Inclined Lift Technology
With our turning inclined lifts, the rails can make changes in direction or turn corners. The ability to make sweeping turns in the rail structure to either the left or the right allows the lift to pass around obstacles such as trees or buildings. This can soften the appearance of the rail line and gives the designer the maximum freedom to arrange buildings on the site whilst still providing convenient access for guests/ customers.
It is possible to combine both our turning and auto leveling systems to provide the ultimate freedom in setting rail geometry and unlocking the potential of the site. However, as each project is custom designed, we strongly recommend that architects contact us early in the project so we can assist in getting the optimum layout for the inclined lift.
Custom Commercial Car Design
All of our custom commercial cars are made in house here at Access Automation. This ensures you receive the highest quality and functionality possible. We are happy to work with your architect to meet your design expectations. Please view our Commercial Installations for examples at some of our installations.